Atlantic Mutual Insurance

When your insurance says no

We Say Yes!

Litigation is an ever present threat to condos, HOA’s, hotels, apartment complexes and commercial properties.

Unfortunately, after the Surfside condo collapse, new exclusions are being added to D&O and GL Policies that may leave your clients unprotected.

This is where Atlantic Mutual Legal Defense comes in. We provide an unlimited legal defense through trial, saving you potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“Atlantic Mutual Insurance Solves Problems”

– Mr. “Wonderful” Kevin O’Leary


Clients need the peace of mind that Atlantic Mutual provides. The chart below shows real-world results from Atlantic Mutual.

Your questions, answered.

Why should I choose Atlantic Mutual over the competition?

Atlantic Mutual’s policy offers everything you want in an insurance policy: broad coverage, financial stability, and flexibility.

Coverage: Atlantic Mutual has the most expansive coverage for legal defense insurance policies. We cover denied claims from any commercial insurance policy and we only require you to have inforce General Liability and Directors and Officers’ policies. No other legal defense carrier in the State of Florida can say the same.

Stability: Atlantic Mutual is the only legal defense insurance carrier with an A-Exceptional financial rating. Additionally, as another layer of financial protection, Atlantic Mutual carries a $100,000.00 per occurrence performance bond. So, you can rely on the fact that we will be able to provide you with a quality legal defense when you need it most.

Flexibility: Atlantic Mutual understands that your business moves at a feverish pace and deadlines can pass in the blink of an eye. Unlike other carriers, we will never deny a claim for late reporting.

Who is it for?
Condos, HOA’s, apartments, commercial properties such as office buildings and strip centers.
Why do you need it?
As exclusions and denials increase, unexpected legal representation costs can run into the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Does the policy have a deductible?
No. Atlantic Mutual will defend you through trial with no deductible.

It provides insureds with 12 hours of access to an attorney providing legal advice at no additional cost.

What are the costs?
For less than $1.25 per unit per month, you can potentially save hundreds of thousands of dollars in unexpected legal defense costs.
Who will be my attorney?
We ONLY use attorneys who are well-versed in the type of lawsuit you encounter.
How do I find out more information?
Call us at 888-888-3270 or email us as [email protected].